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Dragon Fiery SeaMoss

Dragon fruit is a superfood of the cactus family, grown in the tropical regions of South America and Southeast Asia.

This blend provides a powerful punch of antioxidants and minerals.


Bladderwrack is a demulcent herb, meaning it seems to work by decreasing inflammation and forming a barrier against irritants such as stomach acid. 


Sea Moss is a species of algae that provides 92 out of the 102 essential nutrients and minerals and is 100% organic NON-GMO, Vegan, Gluten-Free, with No Additives.

Some of these essential nutrients & minerals include : iron, B-vitamins, Vitamin C,  iodine, protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and many more.

It is a mineral-rich, alkaline food source that can help the body to improve the pH balance, hydrate & heal on many levels.

Dragon Fiery SeaMoss

Only 4 left in stock
    • Low in calories and contains an array of vitamins and minerals like magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. 
    • Contribute to good heart health.
    • Rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acid, and betacyanin.
    • The iodine content in sea moss may help towards a healthy thyroid.
    • Boost immune system.
    • Supports Cardiovascular issues
    • Prevents Obesity
    • Immune system function
    • Improves Joint health & MORE
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